
Powerful Individual and Team Training
All Training is NOT Created Equal
Our On-Site Individual and Team Training covers the same content as our Evergreen Online training, but it is performed live, on-site. The typical in-person training is presented over the course of a 1 week (8hr a day) with course material presented to all class participants. The significant difference in taking advantage of on site training over online training is the amount of interaction and discussion that can take place during the event. A course of this nature can often benefit from on-the-spot demonstrations and graphics that can increase the level of learning, understanding, and retention. Another advantage is that it may be more cost efficient to an organization that has a larger number of people to train, as there are many organizational elements involved in in the life-cycle process (Corporate, BD, Capture, Proposal, Engineering, Solutioning, Management, Business Operations, Past Performance, Program Management, Human Resources, and the list goes on…). Our in-person training also includes the opportunity to hear about real life examples that relate directly to why we created Evergreen.
About Evergreen
Format – Our Evergreen training is presented in a logical format that follows traditional lifecycle models, which makes it easier for current business growth professionals and other support personnel to easily engage and follow. The training includes course material that offers a roadmap of activities as well as templates and artifacts to help capture data and meta data. The meta data created will include the connective linkages between the artifacts and other elements within the eco-system such as needs, cost, performance, future extensibility, and many others. The training course can be licensed for reuse in various capacities.
Content – The content builds the data into knowledge by answering what, when, why, where, why, and how. Every part of the organization has a stake in the answers to these questions, or you will be destined to repeat the learning exercise on each new opportunity. In addition to the course materials, sample exercises will not only focus on a single opportunity but will demonstrate how to build a strategic business strategy for a single market to multiple markets across multiple technical domains.
Application - In addition to the course materials, sample exercises are provided to test mastery of the information and how it is applied in real-world activities. You will be presented with a business opportunity and guided through the development of the neural network development of the opportunity, where we show you how to understand and leverage the nuanced information and develop patterns of understanding that are often overlooked in traditional approaches and methods.
Differentiators – Evergreen has several differentiators that produce better and more comprehensive results by expanding your approach to winning and growing opportunities repeatedly. You will learn how to leverage your new knowledge base from one opportunity to many through our neural approach. This neural approach and knowledge base becomes a competitive intelligence database that contains information about every element in the ecosystem, including customers, competitors, partners, capabilities, and the list goes on. Evergreen provides everyone on your team with the ability to be better informed, make better decisions, and focus on the things that help you grow your business. There are typically huge disconnects between CRM, Business Development, Capture, and proposal tools and methods.